CM PLUS.CM Plus Corporation CM PLUS.

Technical Information Services Service Technical Information Services Service Technical Information Services Service Technical Information Services

The environment surrounding facilities and equipment requiring advanced environmental control, such as those in the life sciences and semiconductor sectors, is evolving to become more international, diverse in scope, and demanding in terms of information processing.

Our company, which thrives on challenges in engineering and life sciences manufacturing quality, offers comprehensive information services to support our clients’ international operations. These services address topics related to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), QMS (Quality Management Systems), and the latest technological advancements, including digitalization.

In addition, we provide product services that include engineering information tools and education and training related to quality.

GMP Platform

Aggregating knowledge to solve our clients’ challenges

Aggregating knowledge to solve our clients’ challenges

GMP Platform is a free information site established based on CM Plus Corporation’s founding principle of addressing various quality-related issues in life sciences facilities while staying close to our customers. We offer a variety of technical articles and translated and explained guidelines. In addition to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), we also share information related to clinical and non-clinical studies, as well as quality and safety for medical devices, cosmetics, and even food products.

CM Plus aims not only to disseminate the expertise of our experienced in-house consultants and engineers through this site but also to gather and integrate knowledge from top consultants worldwide to help solve any challenges our clients may face.

Internet Virtual Exhibition for Life Science

Life Science Company Information Platform

Life Science Company Information Platform

Life Science Company Information Platform is a specialized portal site where top suppliers, who constitute the robust supply chain in the life sciences industry, showcase and share extensive information on their latest technologies, products, and services.

Those seeking the latest information on technologies, products, and services related to life sciences can access a wealth of information from various perspectives provided by the listed suppliers.


Pharmaceutical GMDP (GMP & GDP) Education and Training Support

Pharmaceutical GMDP (GMP & GDP) Education and Training Support

Our QCD+ service offers education and training support in e-learning format (video viewing and test questions via computer or smartphone) focusing on essential knowledge areas related to pharmaceutical manufacturing, such as “Quality,” “Productivity,” and “Stable Supply,” including GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and GDP (Good Distribution Practice).

The training materials are created and periodically updated by CM Plus’s GMP consultants to reflect changes in guidelines. Additionally, as an optional service, follow-up training by GMP consultants is available. For any issues related to GMP education and training, feel free to contact us through the web form.


Project Collaboration Platform

Project Collaboration Platform

CORRESSA® is a project collaboration tool that features correspondence, document handling, and file sharing functions.

Born out of our own need to perform tasks while staying close to the client’s position, we have packed it with our comprehensive know-how and insights for executing projects.

Overseas Factory Construction Information Platform

One-Stop Information Portal for Overseas Factory Expansion

One-Stop Information Portal for Overseas Factory Expansion

This information portal provides one-stop access to construction-related information for companies aiming to expand overseas, covering Asian countries, as well as Europe and the United States.

In addition to our headquarters in Japan, we offer the latest local information through our group’s headquarters in Singapore, and our subsidiaries in Vietnam and Indonesia, as well as our network of leading partner companies across various Asian countries.

Other Services