CM PLUS.CM Plus Corporation CM PLUS.

Chemical Plants Sectors Chemical Plants Sectors Chemical Plants Sectors Chemical Plants

Do you have these concerns?

  • We are considering constructing a chemical plant overseas; in such case, we are unsure how to proceed, espacially complying with Japanese regulations.
  • We are looking for a suitable supporting consultant for the construction of a chemical plant.
  • We are planning to build and/or expand a chemical plant, and need help for devising cost-saving measures.
  • We need manpower support to create an inquiry for an engineering company to build a chemical plant because we lack personnel.
  • We are unsure about the evaluation and selection methods for choosing a company to build a chemical plant.

Please contact CM Plus

  • Our staff, who have extensive experience in international projects, advise on local conditions, regulatory compliance, optimal execution schemes, schedules, and approximate construction costs. We have particularly significant experience in plant construction in Southeast Asia.
  • Our experienced plant engineers with extensive overseas experience will support you in meetings with overseas process licensors.
  • We will propose the optimal formation for chemical plant construction in Japan, because CM Plus has engineers from various fields who are well-versed in domestic and international construction projects.
  • We are committed to fair and competitive processes. We will support you in establishing a bidding scheme where competitive principles apply for chemical plant construction.
  • We will participate in the business planning stage, summarize the client’s requirements, clarify specifications, and support the creation of inquiry documents.
  • We will prepare the creation of evaluation report formats and offer neutral advice on evaluations.

Advantage of CM Plus

Facility Planning Focused on Production Equipment

CM Plus has not only first-class architects but also a wide range of specialized engineers, including process engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical and instrumentation engineers, HVAC engineers, and numerous project managers with extensive experience in project execution.

Facility Planning Focused on Production Equipment

Construction Cost Estimation after Conceptual Design

After the conceptual design phase, we utilize our database to provide the order of magnitude construction cost, referring to past project costs and inflation rates.

Construction Cost Estimation after Conceptual Design

Project Management Capability

Our numerous project managers, with extensive experience in various projects, will support our client in executing the project as planned regarding schedule, cost, and quality assurance.

Project Management Capability

Cost Management

Our experienced project managers and specialized engineers appropriately monitor construction costs and report to our clients.

Cost Management

Government and Regulatory Compliance

We support our clients in coordination with government agencies and regulatory compliance when acquiring land.

Government and Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Chemical plants often need to meet stringent environmental regulations. We will review the process flow diagrams (PFD) and material balance and provide advice on the necessary environmental compliance.

Compliance with Environmental Regulations

Consideration for Earthquake and Wind Resistance

Japan is one of the world’s most disaster-prone regions, with requirements unique to earthquake and typhoon-resistant design. We provide the appropriate design advice from engineers familiar with both global standards like ASCE and IBC and Japanese standards.

Consideration for Earthquake and Wind Resistance

Response to Construction DX Requirements

We respond to construction DX requirements such as BIM. We will shape the client’s DX requirements into BIM Execution Plans (EIR, BEP).

Response to Construction DX Requirements

Construction Project Flow of the Production Facilities

We will explain in detail the workflow for each project phase.

Project Cases

We will introduce only the keywords. For details, please contact us.

CM Method in the Construction of Chemical Plants

Construction of a Recycled PET Manufacturing Plant

Construction of a Recycled PET Manufacturing Plant
  • Provision of Necessary Information for Process Design to Overseas Process Licensors
  • Coordination with Process Licensors in Design (Architectural, Structural, MEP)
  • Creation of Master Plot Plans
  • Preparation of Basic Planning Documents such as Process Flow Diagrams and Client Requirements
  • Review of Basic Design Documents

Feasibility Study for a Polypropylene Recycling Plant

Feasibility Study for a Polypropylene Recycling Plant
  • Support for Determining Production Capacity and Creating Master Plot Plans
  • Research on Applicable Domestic Regulations
  • Creation of Master Plot Plans
  • Preparation of Basic Engineering Design Data (BEDD)
  • Organization of Design Information to be Obtained from Process Licensors

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